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     Contains profile information: 85
     Profile contains photos: 30
     In Memory: 51
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 51
     Military Service: 39
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 85    Newest Members: 83    Latest Comments: 80  

Lane Adams    
George Bauer    
Brent Bulloch    
Wayne Cooley    
Hal Cooper     
Bob Cornelius     
Mac Durand    
Darryl Ence    
Joe Gubler   
Joe Heywood     
Tom Humphries    
Brent Hunter    
Dan Jones     
Garth Jones    
Steve Judd    
Robert Larsen     
Gary LeBaron     
John Logan     
Clark Magleby     
LeRoy Miller    
David Munford     
Jay Don Olds    
Ray Orton    
Lane Parry   
Doug Pectol    
David Plummer     
Doug Plummer    
DeVon Porter    
Mervin Prince    
Floyd Rigby    
Kenneth Spencer     
Michael Stapley     
Bruce Stucki    
Clint Warby    
Robert F Wasden     
James Webster    

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